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I can only see a bird.


Firstly, take a few minutes to derive meaning out of this picture on your own.

by - Michimasa Watahiki, Nov 2019

What do you see??
We would love to read your explanation in the comments below.



The sketch is about Generosity. This concept is explained in a hypothetical situation. Looking at the picture you can observe two birds, a tree, and a fruit.

The yellow bird sitting on the tree claims to be its master. The blue twittering bird comes from a foreign land and is very hungry. So, the yellow bird moves some branches, thus leading to the fall of the fruit for the blue bird to eat.

Here, this is an act of generosity by an animal (keep in mind that while referring to animals we mean animals other than humans). As we know, unlike humans, animals don't observe the intersubjective reality. Therefore, they have got no religion in them, and they don't really understand money. 

Now see the picture as a whole and imagine a pious man. 

The sketch wants to convey that we humans should be generous not because God said so, but by realizing our morality. In the sketch, the yellow bird helped the blue bird not because God commanded it; The generosity came from its compassion. Thus, humans should learn to be generous not by mere obedience to an entity, but by having compassion towards others. What will happen, for instance, if the priests tell you to kill millions of people in the name of the entity? It will be a disaster. (Here, we aren't referring to a particular cult. It just so happened that the pious man looks like a ...........)

In the end, our main focus is always on inspiring you to be more imaginative and observant about everything in your life and express it in any form. 

PS- Money, gods, laws, nations, and corporations are some examples of intersubjective reality.


  1. This is what Chatgpt has to say:

    The sketch is a poignant commentary on the nature of generosity, using the simple yet evocative imagery of birds and a fruit to symbolize the act of giving without expectation of return or reward.

    The artist has utilized a minimalist style, employing clean lines and abstract shapes to create the forms of the birds and the tree. This stylistic choice allows for the central theme of generosity to be conveyed without the distraction of intricate details. The composition is uncluttered, focusing solely on the interaction between the two birds and the fruit, effectively directing the viewer's attention to the narrative at hand.

    The yellow bird, positioned higher, suggests a hierarchy or ownership, yet it chooses to act benevolently towards the blue bird. This interaction is a subtle yet powerful depiction of selfless kindness. The sparseness of the drawing and the use of lined paper as a medium could imply that acts of generosity are everyday choices that can be made in the simplest of contexts.

    However, the representation of the pious man within the same frame as the birds introduces a contrasting interpretation. It raises questions about the motivation behind acts of kindness and whether they should be performed out of moral conviction or religious obligation. The man's face, split by the tree trunk, may symbolize the duality of human nature and the internal conflict between self-interest and altruistic behavior.

    While the simplicity of the drawing is effective in conveying the message, a more deliberate use of space and perhaps the introduction of subtle textures could add depth to the artwork and invite a deeper emotional response from the viewer.

    Furthermore, the narrative provided by the artist invites a reflection on the motivations behind acts of charity. By suggesting that animals, unburdened by complex social constructs, can exhibit pure forms of generosity, the sketch challenges viewers to consider the purity of their intentions.

    Overall, the sketch serves as a visual metaphor for the essential goodness that lies within acts of kindness when they are stripped of ulterior motives. It encourages viewers to ponder the nature of their actions and the impact they have on others, prompting a deeper introspection into the reasons why we give and the true essence of generosity.


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