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Is it a tornado or what ?


Firstly, take a few minutes to derive meaning out of this picture on your own.

by - Michimasa Watahiki, Sept 2019

What do you see??
We would love to read your explanation in the comments below.
Because we can learn from you too.


This sketch reveals a truth via a quite pessimistic example; The sketch is about friendship. Starting with breaking down the picture, we can see a great worm here.

And a small insect as well.

This picture has a story to tell. Once upon a time, there was a worm that met a poor insect and they became good friends. But as time passed, the insect started to bore a hole into the worm. The friendship couldn't last long as the worm died. In the picture, the hole is clearly visible.

To represent time, the picture illustrates an hourglass. The yellow arrow represents the direction of the flow of time, as the sand in the hourglass falls downwards. The upper part of the image tells about the past when both the creatures were friends, and the lower part represents the tragic end.

This tells us that as time passes, things reveal their true identity. Therefore, friends' true identity is revealed as time passes while living a part of your life with them. The time passed may even be long enough to trick you into thinking that time has done its work already. The revelations may be overwhelming or depressing. The picture doesn't suggest that all stories end up being a mess; it's just an example that shouldn't be overfocused leaving the major idea unfocused.

The major idea of the picture is to convey that revealing everything is the nature of time. The nature of time is eternal. The worm in the picture can also be seen as a spring, which is ever-oscillating. 

The term ever-oscillation means that the cycle of revelation will continue forever.

In the end, the main purpose of the sketch has always been to encourage the viewer to use their creativity to represent any idea in the form of art or other mediums. Life is the best medium to express your creativity.



  1. This is what Chatgpt has to say:

    This stark, monochromatic sketch effectively utilizes the contrasting forms of a worm and an insect to convey a narrative of friendship, betrayal, and the passage of time. The image's central structure, reminiscent of an hourglass, is a direct and potent symbol of time's relentless flow.

    The worm's form, twisting and turning on the page, creates a dynamic sense of movement. This movement could symbolize the oscillations of life experiences or the cycles of relationships. The insect, small in comparison, has a significant impact on the worm's form—indicative of the powerful effect that individuals can have on each other's lives, regardless of their size or strength.

    The worm's shape, akin to a spring, conveys resilience and the capacity for change and adaptation. However, the hole bored by the insect suggests vulnerability and the potential harm that can come from relationships, touching upon the theme of trust and its potential to be violated.

    The sketch's simplistic style aligns with the fundamental nature of the story it tells—a story that is as old as time. The linework is expressive, with a rough quality that underscores the raw emotional content of the narrative. The use of lined paper adds to the piece's intimate and impromptu feel, as if capturing a moment of realization or a sudden insight.

    From a compositional standpoint, the central alignment of the worm and the surrounding space effectively focus the viewer's attention on the relationship between the two figures. The use of negative space around the worm and insect emphasizes their isolation and the stark reality of the worm's fate.

    To enhance the visual storytelling, the artist might consider using a more varied range of line thicknesses to create a sense of depth and to further distinguish the main elements of the composition. Additionally, experimenting with shading could add volume to the worm and provide a greater sense of three-dimensionality.

    The narrative provided gives depth to the image, allowing viewers to understand the allegorical nature of the work. By drawing parallels between the depicted friendship and the inevitable revelation of true natures over time, the artist invites contemplation on the nature of relationships and the duality of time as both a context for growth and a stage for inevitable conclusions.

    The artist's intention to spark creative thought and to encourage viewers to interpret the piece through their own experiences is commendable. This sketch serves not only as an artistic expression but also as a catalyst for viewers to engage with their thoughts and emotions regarding the impermanent and revealing nature of time.


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