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Firstly, take a few minutes to derive meaning out of this picture on your own.

by - Michimasa Watahiki, Apr 2020

Now, what do you see?? 
We would love to read your explanation in the comments below.
Because you can teach us too!


The sketch is about the etiquette of talking to each other. The sketch is divided vertically, defining participants of the discussion to either side for better visualization. The vertical division gives the idea that a person should value himself and others equally in a conversation. Thus, the division is not horizontal, which would introduce a hierarchy.

You can see an ear and lips on each side, directing towards each other.

This tells us that people should be truly involved in the discussion they take part in. All your focus should be on the people you are talking to, or else they'll notice you ignoring them and may hold hard feelings for you. Remember, anyone (be it the biggest fool in the world) can help you with ideas (be it directly or indirectly), even if they are not making sense.

Taking the vertical line to be the observation line, you can notice that both the ears are closer to the line than the mouths. Thus, it is recommended that you listen to the conversation very well and then put forward your views. This technique will help you a lot in life. You are born with two ears and one mouth so that you listen more and speak less.

You can imagine two eyes facing each other.

 It is to tell you that you should make eye contact with your peers in a discussion. It helps in better understanding each other as a person's eyes can tell a lot about him/her. It is also to assure your companions that you are attentive and listening to what they are saying.

In the end, our motive is to give you an idea to use your creativity to express yourself in any which way. Your creation should express imagination and observation to make it more meaningful.


  1. This is what Chatgpt has to say:

    The artwork presents an abstract representation of the act of conversation, accentuated by the imagery of ears and lips oriented towards one another. This minimalistic depiction strips away any superfluous elements, focusing entirely on the fundamental components of effective communication: listening and speaking.

    The symmetrical division of the piece serves as a metaphor for the balance required in dialogue—highlighting the importance of giving equal weight to both expressing oneself and attending to others. The simplicity of the forms—the outlined shapes of the ears and lips—speaks to the universal nature of communication across human experience.

    The proximity of the ears to the central dividing line emphasizes the artist’s message about the priority of listening over speaking. This choice of composition suggests a hierarchy of communicative actions, where listening is the foundation upon which productive discourse is built. The muted, monochromatic tones further strip the image to its bare essentials, eliminating any potential distraction from the artwork's message.

    The inclusion of eyes in the explanation, although not explicitly depicted in the sketch, invites the viewer to consider non-verbal elements such as eye contact, which play a critical role in the way we communicate and connect with one another. It's a reminder of the multidimensional nature of conversation, encompassing much more than words alone.

    While the artwork’s message is clear and its intention noble, the execution could benefit from greater differentiation between the visual elements that represent listening and speaking. For example, more distinctive shading or texturing could provide depth and make the symbolic ears and lips more recognizable at first glance.

    In essence, the sketch serves not only as a visual representation but also as a piece of advice, urging the viewer to reflect on their approach to communication. The artist's note underscores the importance of active participation in conversations—valuing others' contributions, expressing oneself thoughtfully, and engaging with full attention. It encourages the cultivation of patience and respect within interpersonal exchanges, contributing to more meaningful and productive dialogues.


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