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Life Perspective

While living means something which can grow, move, breathe, and reproduce. And that which can also experience subjective reality and have a will. But, for a moment let's look at life from another perspective.

What if life is relative, what if it is just a perception? For instance, for humans, ants are living; for insects, fairy flies are living; for fairy flies, micro-organisms are living; for micro-organisms(relatively bigger than a bacteria), parasitic bacterias are living; for parasitic bacteria, water molecules are living because they interact with it in a large scale; for water molecules, acids are living because they interact with them; for acids, atoms are living; for atoms, protons are living and for protons electrons are symbiote. Likewise for the things bigger than us, humans.

Woah, it was a very long sentence. Every living organism has its life story held in genomes and every atom has its life story held in the atomic configuration. It's just a comparison to give a perspective on life. With this take, everything in this universe is relatively living. 

Hope this idea gave you an insight into another perspective. We would love to know your perspective of life in the comment section below.


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