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- Michimasa Watahiki, Aug 2020

If your actions inspire others
To Dream more, Learn more
Do more, Become more
You are a leader.
- John Quincy Adams


Though the sketch is self-explanatory, we still wanted to explain it. Unlike our previous sketches, this sketch is derived from the explanation(quote). 

Let's start by breaking down the quote. It says 'If your action inspires others to dream more,'. You can see two people. The one with the green head at the top is bigger than the one with the brown head at the bottom. They are the same person. The arrow hands of the person represent a transition of the person into someone else. Now, you can notice the dreamy cloud of the person with the green head is bigger than that of the other person. This represents that the person is now dreaming more than he used to. 'Learn more'- The two people are reading a book. What's different about them is that the one with the green head has understood it to the best, which is represented by the radiation entering the mind from the book. While the other person is just reading it mindlessly. 'Do more'- The person with the brown head holds a hammer while the other person holds a pen and a paper. We used tools like hammers to do great things and as time has changed we've got tools like pen and paper through which we can do great things and share our ideas. It shows that the person is now adapting to the current times to do great things.' Become more'- The person with the green head is bigger than the other person and has a golden ring over the head. Look at it as mental growth and not as physical growth (at least not with respect to the context). The golden ring symbolizes wisdom. So the person has grown to become wiser. the person is totally different(positively) from what he/she was. The following quote goes like 'You are a leader'. The sketch is what we should do to become the leaders of today. We must keep inspiring(remember? the first line of the quote) these values in others. Remember, the person in the sketch isn't the leader. The leader is the person(not in the sketch) who has made a positive transition in the subject(person in the sketch).


  1. This is what Chatgpt has to say:

    This sketch creatively interprets the essence of leadership as defined by the quote from John Quincy Adams. It visually communicates the transformative journey of an individual who is inspired to grow and evolve, ultimately embodying the qualities of a leader.

    The use of contrasting colors and sizes between the two figures effectively illustrates the growth and development of the individual. The transition from using a hammer to a pen and paper symbolizes the evolution of doing 'more'—from physical labor to intellectual or creative work, suggesting a progression in skills and impact.

    The concept of 'dreaming more' is represented by the differing sizes of the thought clouds, indicating that the inspired individual has a larger vision or higher aspirations. The 'learning more' aspect is symbolized by the radiation of knowledge into the individual's mind, implying a deeper understanding and absorption of information.

    The golden ring above the more developed figure suggests a halo, often associated with wisdom and enlightenment, reinforcing the quote's message that true leadership involves inspiring others to reach their full potential.

    While the drawing's message is potent and its depiction of personal growth is clear, some elements could benefit from further clarification. For instance, the symbols used to represent learning and doing more are effective, but the sketch could further differentiate between the stages of growth to highlight the process of becoming a leader.

    Overall, the artwork serves as an inspirational reminder that leadership is not just about directing others but about fostering an environment where others are encouraged to expand their horizons, increase their knowledge, and contribute more significantly. The artist's interpretation of the quote through visual metaphor invites reflection on the qualities that define true leadership and the impact it can have on individuals' personal and professional development.


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