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To Youtube, with Love


On behalf of Gemini Pages, I am writing you this to reduce the influx of hate in the comment section of a YouTuber. "Creators can use YouTube Super Chat to monetize when they go live. When somebody goes to a live stream, they see a dollar bill symbol on the chat screen. If they click on this symbol, a slider will appear on their screen. They can use this to decide on a dollar amount that they are prepared to send to the YouTuber." (Source: Internet). I'm suggesting making it mandatory to give $1 for each comment in Super Chat. The money will act as a credit given to the YouTuber, which has to be paid back within 24 hours of the conclusion of the Livestream. All the credited money will remain in YouTube's custody for the next 24 hours. At the end of the Livestream, the YouTuber will check his/her comment section and drop each hate comment in the "HATE" category. Only those people whose comments have been reported "HATE" by the YouTuber will not receive their money back. This way, the force of hate spreaders will hesitate to lose $1 for each hate comment. Moreover, the YouTuber will receive compensation for the hate he/she is getting. However, it's only after 24 hours that the YouTuber will receive the money. Now let's come to the dark side. What if the YouTuber purposely reports each comment as "HATE" to make money? Hmm........... Simply put, the viewers will lose their money and they will know the true intentions of the YouTuber. Next time they will comment about this treachery in the general comment section of a video or maybe unsubscribe him/her. They can even report the matter to YouTube. Unfortunately, this model is only for Live Super Chat as it is just an initial experiment.

I know there will be many faults with this suggestion. Just consider the suggestion once, and improve upon it. You have a brilliant team; you surely will have a better modification of the suggestion and come up with a model to deal with hate speech in the general video comment section too.

With Love,



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