
We recommend reading the blog from the bottom up. This is the chronology and ideas change. And one more thing: don't miss out on the older posts.



Take a look at the picture and try to guess which country is the region pointed by the red arrow. 

Before scrolling down take full 5 minutes or more to guess the place on your own.

Still can't guess the place? rotate the picture upside down and try to guess which country it is.

If you got the answer right, good for you.

Please don't scroll down unless you've guessed the place.

For some of you who haven't got it right even now, even when we've gotten so far, this map is a world map. So, the marked region isn't a country but is the Atlantic ocean.

This experiment might have caught on to some people and not to others. It was designed to check whether you can think from a different perspective.


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