
We recommend reading the blog from the bottom up. This is the chronology and ideas change. And one more thing: don't miss out on the older posts.


Just Imagine! ๐Ÿฒ⏳๐Ÿ”ฎ

 We have a thought which one of us would like to share with you. Don't take it seriously; it's just fiction.

What if there was a silo that could enormously generate gravity within its sphere? I mean blackhole level gravity๐Ÿ˜…. But which is only concentrated in a specific area. It's hard to be possible, rather impossible. Let's just assume this were to be true. One could preserve anything in it for centuries. Be it agro-products, historical artifacts, or even your umbilical cord๐Ÿ˜. You might already have an idea of what I'm talking about, right? Yeah, time slows down for a person who is experiencing relatively stronger gravity with respect to another person experiencing a weaker gravity. Spacetime curves and......Won't go into the details. If that were to happen, honestly, I would be the happiest man on Earth, as I would be able to serve my great-great.........granddaughter my own cuisine fresh from the oven. It's just amazing to imagine that I'm just finished with the cooking and I've stored it in the high gravity silo. Only 5 minutes have passed within the frame of preparation and preservation. I don't know how many years after my gg...granddaughter will take the food out of the silo. But for the food, it'll just seem like a few minutes have passed by. Even the chicken will be shocked to arrive in a completely new era. Or maybe my g... granddaughter would refuse to eat the chicken as it was once the ancestor of her friend(intelligent species evolved from chickens).

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