
We recommend reading the blog from the bottom up. This is the chronology and ideas change. And one more thing: don't miss out on the older posts.


Midnight Thoughts

Fight or Flight!

 If there is a major threat in front of you, you either fight or you flee. That’s what makes us animals let alone humans. But if you don’t fight it or flee from it, you don’t belong to the animal kingdom. You’re a robot then. Won’t do anything but see yourself melt into oblivion.


September Massacres | French history [1792] | Britannica 

Violence is the tool of the powerful against the weak. But when during the revolution I saw the poor massacring the rich, I saw the new bourgeoisie in making.


 Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy –  Jedi-Bibliothek

I think even if we state something as a lie in our propaganda. I.e. we clearly have a disclaimer before our propaganda video that „the message we are conveying to you is false and that we are only conducting an experiment “. and if we propagate this lie, which is evidently a lie for the large mass, with the right amount of resources and creativity again and again. It ceases to become an evident lie and shifts to something like „i don’t know “ because it creates confusion in the public. Now the lie against which they were willing to fight, just isn’t that threatening. And makes people indecisive. It isn’t their fault. I‘d do the same.



toxic masculinity – A Certain Gesture: Evnine's Batman Meme Project and Its  Parerga!

Men with masculine physical features but feminine behaviour and nature should also be represented more empathetically on media. Only representing non-muscular, fat person or a „nerd“(I apologize for using these words but my vocabulary restricts me. I myself believe we should refer people who seek knowledge as "Gobstoppers" instead) as having feminine emotional qualities does not attract the „wannabe alpha male“ boys to explore their feminine side. Rather people like Andrew Tate take advantage of them by giving them a voice and expressing that he feels their pain (I don't want to vilify him either. He exists because of the faults in our system/the Matrix😂). This shit will continue to happen even long after Andrew Tate is gone. Someone else will simply fill the power vacuum „the king is dead, Long live the king“. All this happens because our young testosterone filled boys don’t feel represented. While masculine physical features are vilified on media. Which restricts them to explore their feminine side, as they keep themselves busy with defending their masculinity. 


if for example it’s scientifically proven that our sexual experience and orgasm are positively and significantly affected by our emotional connect(which is a feminine quality) with our partner during sex. And if we propagate the lie(or the truth) that because women want more fulfilling sex, they are in increasing numbers wanting to have sex with people who they emotionally connect with. Our “wannabe alpha male” boys will rethink their decision of completely giving up on their feminine side. As I believe this is one of the major things they are after or maybe I'm mistaken and It's more complicated than that, like another reason is that they think they are victims of the society(which is unmasculine in itself, just saying) but it is true that there is some areas where they have been wronged intentionally or unintentionally by the other side. But the message might only have a slight change in their perception. They will still not be wanting to leave the dream Andrew Tate-like people are showing them. And most probably they won’t. This idea is just a battle in our struggle to bring our boys back by understanding them. I may sound like a mom here but we have to accept if one side doesn't bend a bit then no one will. The war can only be won by winning small battles(went a bit too far by comparing it to wars. Please excuse my passion). With more efforts and ideas we will surely free the boys from the sorrow they're hiding. You might be thinking that they do unacceptable things online and have developed dangerous ideas. Regarding their misogynistic views you may ask How could we even tolerate it?  my answer- we have no other choice but Compassion. If your way were right ,the boys would’ve been with us. Although your intention was right, but along the way you lost the very thing you stood for: Compassion(a feminine quality). These are tough times and we need to be patient. Peace!


 What is a human for you? There is no right or wrong answer to it!

Untamed Elephant #1307 - Untamed Elephants | Coinbase NFT

If elephants were to evolve to become as intelligent and emotional as us 

  • would you feel threatened and stop the evolution?
  • Who do you think would dominate?
  • would you use statements like humanely, human, person to refer it? Are humans a biological group for you or any being that has achieved our level of intelligence?
  • What if they start having feelings for us and we for them. Could you allow such a relationship to be established? Although you can’t have babies with them but would you still marry them? Or even go one step further and ask the biologists to do some genetical changes in your sperm/ egg and their sperm/egg so that a baby is possible?


 Easy-hard study curriculum 

If easy i get A-

Because i don’t care to study it

If hard enough to put me into thinking i could fail then i get A+

Because i spend a significant amount of time studying it.

If too hard then i either give up or do study but not perform well; probably B+/B-


America: Land of Opportunity (to get cancer) – Cartoons by Joe Mohr

If you play a lottery game. Chances of winning 3-11%.  (Most other countries)

If you play a lottery game. Chances of winning 6-22%  (USA)

Would u still play a game in which you are still 78-94% likely to fail?

If yes? Please do struggle hard, leave your country and come to America to become rich. If the conditions in your country is unlivable for you then there are other countries to choose too, that won't really lure you with the so called "Am****** Dream"  just by showing you some(that's debatable though) successful people as an example. The reality is you still need to struggle. maybe a little less than in your home country.

If no? Then come to America only for other reasons (tourism; education(if you really think it's worth the money); you don’t feel represented in your home country or are prosecuted there i.e. if you're a liberal 😂, etc) 


 The case for diversity 

Why Science Needs Diversity - Lifeology

More probability that some breakthrough occurs. 


Courtrooms should be a place to resolve issues, not punish people 


 Paying for dinner


  • Heads- we pay for ourselves 
  • Tails- we don’t pay for ourselves/ one of us pays for both of us.


         Heads- I pay for both of us.

         Tails- You pay for both of us.


 WWF Österreich I Organisation für Natur- und Artenschutz

WWF (literally) stands for What We Fuck: The environment and its animals. It truly is a world wide fuck. Here you have it, another full form.


Stephen King's 'It' Remake: Where Does the Project Stand Now?

 We don’t need to teach our kids the truth because all they’re after is the opposite of what we tell them; they're rebels by nature. 

But we also don’t need to lie to them.

We just have to supply them with reasoning models to reach the truth on their own.

Because if a true/false question is asked and a person instead of writing one word answer writes a detailed note about how he reached his conclusion, is more admirable.

If kids‘ reasoning, EQ and decision making models are intact, then even if a propaganda displaces them from the truth they’ll come right back like a pendulum. But first they deserve the freedom to make mistakes.

We should even question our truth. Cuz we don’t really know if it really is one.



I deeply hate politicians. I don't think I've ever been more passionate about something else. By it I mean all politicians: government, opposition, populists, leaders, dictators, kings, messiahs, gurus, the powerful, influencers, teachers. One thing that they all have in common is, they genuinely think people are stupid. And likewise I hate people, but because they are gullible. This hatred of people(myself included), for this particular reason, is the first kind of hatred I'm actually beginning to enjoy. Sometimes I wonder if the politicians are right. hmmm... but we never know. 

Paradoxically at the same time my love for people is increasing with the amplification of my hatred for them. I covertly thank the politicians for that.


There can be many gods and not just one. The physical or emotional experience we have with god is one-one. As the window for communication only allows that much. Imagine the analogy. There are 2 rooms. We can’t see or hear the other, just chits can be passed. We can’t be totally sure if it's 1 person or millions on the other side.  We don’t even know if the other room is actually a room. Maybe there are so many people that it is an arena. But messages can only be exchanged at a time. I.e. 1 message for millions on the other side. Assuming that this God or these gods are omnipresent i.e. can talk to every person on earth in signs(you know what I mean) at a particular point of time. We are lucky for sure cuz we know there is only one person this side. Okay it’s different if you all are performing a ritual together. But most of us talk to god personally. Maybe there is a parliamentary democracy of gods out there. They spend time debating what the message will be this time. Or if it’s just one person who communicates then we can call him a dictator. Coming back, if we are to find out how many people are in the other room( we can’t do it accurately no doubt about that) we need to study all the messages and critically analyze them. Bring a team of psychologists. They’ll say the more the number of people in the other room the messier and more incoherent the messages will be. Now my personal opinion. With the kind of (stupid) messages we receive daily from the other side, I’m totally convinced that there are in fact not millions but billions of gods out there.

Disclaimer- Take it with a grain of salt. I don't want to endorse any idea. In fact I'm an atheist myself. Rather I would gladly say that there is no other room and that the person communicating is actually schizophrenic(I apologize again). This post is just a joke. so please take it that way. 



I am for treachery when it’s on the side of evil. If u look at it, it isn’t really disloyalty it’s just amending for treachery against one’s own conscience in the first place.


One day I came across a debate between a theist and an atheist. They were debating about existence of the consciousness without the brain. The atheist said that when the brain stops the consciousness stops too. The theist argued that when one stops a water-tap, one cannot conclude that the tank doesn’t have water in it even though you can’t see it coming out. I find the argument to be a mere gymnastics of language. He came up with the argument just because the atheist said „when the brain stops“. Had he said „When the brain is destroyed the consciousness is destroyed too.“; one could, with his logic, also argue that when the tank with water-tap is bombed, the water disintegrates along with the tank, let alone the tap. But even this argument doesn’t disprove the non-existence of consciousness after death. I just wanted to comment on the logical fallacy the theist was using. 


We shouldn’t focus on increasing happiness, rather decrease the suffering around us by understanding the suffering of others and thereby reducing your own. And the best way to do that is to put yourself in the other person's shoes and feel their suffering for a moment and ask yourself what if "It could have been me" and "How can I reduce their suffering?". In most cases money does a good job. Money can indeed buy happiness, but not in the way people think it can, rather by eliminating baseline suffering. Money is power and it should be used for this agenda. Power doesn’t mean to control people and make them do stuff as you please, rather it is a tool to gain freedom and not let others make you do as they please. To use this power for any thing else is at least frivolous, if not tasteless. To reduce suffering you need to share the power so that everyone can be independent and by that truly free. 


If you’re studying a new topic, try reading it in different size formats. For example on phone, laptop, paper or even a big projector. It gives you a different perspective with each format. Reading on phone might help you focus on details, while reading on laptop will make it easier to skim.


Teenage friendship is about knowing you are at liberty to hurt the person but choose not to.


A person's behavior after losing his temper reveals his repressed thoughts, biases, prejudices, and vices (but seldom some virtues too). For example, even the least racist, homophobic, sexist, or anti-Semitic person has the potential to use slurs, or at least in their thoughts, when their anger reaches a threshold. Does that make them a bad person, no, but it tells you what is lurking inside. So one way to improve yourself is to get angry and ask your friends the next day what you said and how you behaved.


Disclaimer- Not to be taken too seriously. these are just rants. could be deleted at any time.


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